Resources (and How to Find Resources) for Parents of Children with Special Needs with Meredith McCumbee
There’s no handbook for parenting and especially not for parenting a child with special needs, a diagnosis, or who is considered medically fragile. So many parents struggle financially, emotionally, and tangibly to find the right resources, support, insurance, etc., for their child. In this episode of our caregiving series, Stephanie chats with her friend Meredith McCumbee about all the resources they think are so important for parents to have and be aware of, how to find the right resources for your family and your child, and a few of their own experiences with these resources as well.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
UNCW Feeding Program
CAP/DA Program
Innovations Waiver
CVS Delivery
NC HIP Program
Opportunity Program Scholarship
Education Savings Scholarship
Welcome Home Angel Program
Victory Junction
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